Shilajit - from the earth, for the body.

The first product that we have brought to market from Bhutan is ‘Bhutan Shilajit’ - a mineral extract supplement that is becoming more & more known in the West as an energy boosting supplement, and perfect for people's busy modern lives.

In its natural state, Shilajit is a black resin or tar that has formed over many thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of years, and was discovered and dispensed as a healthy supplement by ancient Ayurvedic practitioners. The Ayurvedic ‘whole body’ tradition stretches back 3,000 years to when it was first developed in the region that is today’s modern-day India, and offers remedies for several ailments & conditions, particularly chronic diseases, with early Ayurvedic writings from the Charaka Samhita describing Shilajit as a cure for all diseases as well as a ‘Rasayana’ (a rejuvenator) that in the Ayurvedic tradition professes to increase longevity!

So Where Does it Come From?

As mountains have moved and rock formations have slowly ground towards and into each other, trees, plants & other organic matter have been trapped underground by layers of rock and sediment, and under enormous pressure. This pressure, combined with extreme temperature changes, the inexorable flow of melted glacial ice, and nature’s microbial activity has transformed this organic matter into a dark, tar-like substance, which exudes from between cracks in the Himalayan mountain slopes during the warmer summer months.

Harvested by dedicated local teams, Shilajit is generally found at altitudes of between 2,000-5,000m across the Himalayas (Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan), the Altai Mountains (Siberia), and even the Andes. Our Shilajit here at Premium Bhutan however, is harvested exclusively from mountain slopes within the Kingdom of Bhutan – as one of the most naturally beautiful regions on Earth, nestled in the heart of the majestic Himalayas, Bhutan offers a unique source of this amazing supplement.

What’s in Shilajit?

Containing over 85 minerals in ionic form, trace elements, vitamins, fulvic acid, humic acid and other bioactive components, raw Shilajit is an energy powerhouse.

Fulvic & humic acids represent around 60-80% of Shilajit’s chemical makeup, with the remaining 20-40% being mineral matter & trace elements. Fulvic acid is reported to facilitate the transportation of essential minerals into cells to maintain & restore their electrical potency, preventing their decay, whilst also promoting energy production and enhancing the absorptive and detoxifying capacity of the body. Many other benefits have been put forward by a host of research, with the majority declaring fulvic acid to be an antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory, and a memory enhancer.

How is Bhutan Shilajit Made - is Purity Important?

There are a range of Shilajit suppliers in the Himalayan region, with some processing and packing far from the original source and in less than ideal conditions. We have partnered with a pharmaceutical producer based in Thimphu, the capital city of Bhutan, that purifies the Shilajit raw material to a high standard. They are regulated by the Drug Regulatory Authority of Bhutan, ensuring compliance with GMP (‘Good Manufacturing Practices’). Our partner’s quality control practices also mean that training in sustainable collection methods for medicinal plants and in post-harvest care is provided to local farmers – this is to ensure consistent raw material quality is maintained from season to season.

It’s not just about training and being able to harvest the raw material though - Shilajit is a natural mineral extract and in its raw form can contain unwanted heavy metals and mycotoxins. Upon collection and assembly, our raw Shilajit undergoes a 3-stage purification process to ensure its safety for human consumption:

  1. Our pharmaceutical production partner ensures consistent collection of raw material through its network of local farmers in accordance with its own QC collection procedures;

  2. After initial processing, the base raw material undergoes an extensive cleaning process which removes impurities;

  3. A modern method of extraction is then applied, ensuring that the final product is free from any toxic impurities or heavy metals and that the product is more efficiently assimilated and metabolized by the body.

No chemical additives are required and our Shilajit contains none!

How do We Ensure There Are No Impurities?

To make sure that our Bhutan Shilajit is of the best and safest quality, we also test each batch before bottling. We carry out our per-batch tests with a UKAS-accredited testing lab based in Chipping Campden, UK, and test against a panel of 20x heavy metals, as well as for mycotoxins (including Aflatoxins & Ochratoxins). We’re always happy to provide the relevant certification to you on request for the batch relevant to you, and have included a sample certificate from one of our 2021 batches here.