What People Are Saying…

It’s amazing how many things people do with their days! We’ve been lucky to hear back from some of our customers, who have been doing everything from yoga to house cleaning to bouldering, about how they’ve benefited from Bhutan Shilajit - thank you all!


“My job is physically demanding, and means I often get tired mid-afternoon, but I found that by taking Premium Shilajit I had more energy and seemed to have more mental clarity too – I’ll continue to take mine, thank you!”

Sameiru (Watford, UK)

“I’m finding Bhutan Shilajit is the perfect tonic to the morning after the night before! I have to get up early for my work, but a few drops of Shilajit in the morning and I don’t struggle to get through to lunch like I used to!”

Annette (Seaford, UK)

"- I tend to take it before a workout, or before sustained mental work. My impression is that it sustains my energy levels, or stamina. Not so much a stimulant as a sustainer 👍

- I also take it as a background support for immune and general health as my understanding is that it contains fulvic acid and trace minerals, which are both immune supports as I understand it.

- I think it works quite subtly so may not be immediately noticeable, but certainly I find myself reaching for it on a regular basis.

For context …I’m a man in my 50’s trying to stay relatively  healthy and fit. I do take a range of other natural supplements too. I have taken Russian Shilajit in the past, but ( can’t quantify this ) this supplement feels ‘stronger’.”

D.Moss (Devon, UK)


“I can sometimes suffer from stress and anxiety, but after taking Premium Shilajit for 4-5 days I noticed a difference in my mood – will happily add to my daily diet.”

Judith (London, UK)

“Climbing regularly can make me physically tired, but after taking Bhutan Shilajit for a couple of weeks I’ve been able to push through - it gives me a boost and means I can send routes that I wasn’t able to before - have been taking it on and off now for a few months and I’ll continue to. Thanks!”

Jake (Harrow, UK)

I was curious when a friend told me about Shilajit and I’ve been using it in this form almost every day for several months. It’s made a significant difference to my energy levels and sense of well-being.

The taste is unusual at first but not unpleasant. The mixture is thick and can be tricky to dispense with the dropper - and if you spill some it can dry around the neck of the bottle. But you get used to using it and it easily dissolves in warm water. It’s very economical because you only need a couple of drops. It’s become a daily ritual for me - I start the day drinking it on an empty stomach.

I think it’s a fantastic supplement that’s given me a new sense of vitality and wellness.

Ruth (Brighton, UK)